Halloween Tag – My Answers to the Hallotober Tag

In the spirit of Halloween, I thought it was an opportune time to get involved in a fun little Halloween tag – also known as the Hallotober Tag! I was tagged in this by Sabina over at RoseGold Reports, who is a relatively new blogger and I’m so pleased to see new bloggers surface into the community. This a new tag – perfect for this time of year, of course – so I am excited to see how far it goes!

Without further ado, let us get straight into it.

Hallotober Tag

What’s your favourite thing about October?

For me, October is a month full of some important birthdays. So it’s a really great month in that it’s usually filled with celebrating amazing things or travelling and just all-around fun. Of course, slightly different this year. However, one thing I have really enjoyed this month so far is a 31-day art challenge that I am doing. I have been actually keeping up with the art challenge, which is not something that happens often, so I am thrilled with myself right now!

Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?

I used to be! I do miss those days where all of us (the children in the neighbourhood) would get dressed up and go trick or treating. However, we grow up and it started to phase out. Sadly, it’s not really something the new children in the area celebrated. I think I get one trick or treater a year if that. It used to be such a fun experience though so it’s certainly a shame that no one celebrates it around here anymore.

What’s your favourite horror movie?

Oof, I am not sure I can pick one! I’m not a huge fan of horror movies so think of a favourite per se. However the scariest ones are the psychological thrillers that mess with your mind, I think. The ones where good people end up doing something they would never consider doing because they have to. If it counts, I will say that I really did enjoy the Haunting of Bly Manor on Netflix recently. I know it’s not a movie but I thought it was an interesting watch. A little slow and boring at first but I was pleasantly surprised as I started to get hooked into it.

Would you rather a cosy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?

I used to be a fan of going out in a costume, going to trick or treating as a child and then parties as I grew up. I think I’ve now gotten to the stage where big nights out are more tiring than they need to be! So I would definitely prefer the cosy night in. Been doing a few sessions of screen-sharing and watching movies together with some friends, which have included a few horror sessions. They were pretty fun! Watching the whole season of the Haunting of Bly Manor with them was such an event. I probably would have given up during the earlier boring episodes if it wasn’t for them!

Which has been your most favourite costume to date?

I think it might have been when I improved a very last-minute costume for a party and it managed to turn into a whole thing! I somehow became an escaped criminal that killed and consumed baby pandas, to the point where I wore one’s head on my head like a hat. It was literally just my panda hat but you know, got into character with fake blood, a knife, the whole prison escape outfit. It became an icebreaker at the party I went to so I think I call it a success!

Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch?

I have never done either, sadly. However, I think bobbing for apples would be a fun game to try! Pin the hat on the witch would be very similar to pin the tail on the donkey – which I have done before – so bobbing for apples would be a different experience, for sure!

How do you celebrate Halloween?

This year, it looks like I will probably be doing very little. Maybe watching some films with the online crew and binge eating a whole bunch of sweets. I am hoping to make some Halloween cards to send out to people, if time allows, though. That might be a fun thing to try this year!

What’s your least favourite horror?

Oof, I am not sure if I can answer this one. There were a few that I watched as a teenager that I just did not really enjoy as much, so perhaps one of those. However, none of them has really been “scary”. I think those that I find the scariest wouldn’t be my least favourite – as they were interesting but creepy. My least favourite would be the ones that are just boring.

Do you have a favourite trick or treating memory?

Trick or treating as a child was really enjoyable for me. Not every house in the neighbourhood would answer but most did and gave some small sweets. But I remember one time when we knocked on the door and a lady opened, dressed up in the best outfit I saw. She said she made it herself and it was just really nice, as a child, to see an adult dressing up and getting 

What’s your favourite thing about Halloween?

I love seeing the decor of it. A lot of houses here have stopped decorating, sadly but I do still see shops doing it and I love that. Social media is always full of amazing Halloween decor too, which is so nice to see.

Scary costume or Silly costume?

I’ll be honest, I’m a sucker for a silly costume. I think the scary ones are really interesting – mostly because the amount of work on the make up and details, for example, are outstanding. However that’s above my own skillset. I just enjoy being silly in life.

What’s your favourite Halloween candy?

I’m going to say Candy Corn since we don’t really get it here in the UK. I have seen it start appearing in shops (well unsure about this year but in the year past) but it’s not very commonly sold so I would love to get some more.

What is your favourite scary/Halloween book?

I’m ashamed to say that I don’t think I’ve actually read a scary or Halloween book. The only chapter that even comes to mind right now is the references in Harry Potter to All Hallows’ Eve – which certainly is not “scary”. As for an actual book, I cannot think of anything in particular. According to Netflix, however, “Death Note” is scary so does it count if I have read the manga version of that? I’m counting it.

Continue the Hallotober Tag!

If you’re interested in continuing the tag, go ahead! Here’s my questions to you:

  1. What’s your favourite thing about October?
  2. Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?
  3. What’s your favourite horror movie?
  4. Would you rather a cosy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?
  5. Which has been your most favourite costume to date?
  6. Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch?
  7. How do you celebrate Halloween?
  8. What’s your least favourite horror?
  9. Do you have a favourite trick or treating memory?
  10. What’s your favourite thing about Halloween?
  11. Scary costume or Silly costume?
  12. What’s your favourite Halloween candy?
  13. What costume would you find the scariest?

Answer the questions and tag 13 of your own victims! You keep the first twelve questions the same and change the thirteenth to whatever you want to know. Unfortunately, since I haven’t really gotten anyone to tag, I’m just going to leave this open to anyone to get involved!

Thank you, once again, to Sabina for tagging me in this Hallotober Tag! If you continue it, I hope you have fun answering the questions! Let me know if you do too, I would love to read your own answers!

One thought on “Halloween Tag – My Answers to the Hallotober Tag

  1. rosegold reports says:

    I had so much fun reading your answers and getting to know you a little bit better. Thanks so much for participating!

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